Our team has so much to be thankful for and with the holiday season upon us, there is no better time to reflect. We continue to be so thankful for the loyal support of all our customers! You give us our purpose and we hope to continue to inspire, delight and motivate each of you as you travel along your healthy living journey.
Happy Holidays from all of us at Chosen Foods!
“Im most grateful for family and health, and that we live in a country where our collective opinions about healthy eating, our food supply and our impact on the environment are not going unnoticed. I want my grandkids to live in a world that is better than the one we have today and together we can demand change!” – George Todd, President
“Im thankful for the health of my family and the knowledge of healthy living that I’ve gained by working for Chosen Foods. I know that I am passing on strong, healthy habits to my two little girls and love getting to work in such a meaningful organization.” – Natalie Morse, Marketing Director
“I’m grateful because Chosen Foods has given me the opportunity to be a medium by adding value to the world. Spreading the word of eating RIGHT and witnessing how people change their habits is simply rewarding”. – Carmen Mendez, East Region Sales Manager
“I am thankful for a loving and supportive family, amazing friends to do life with, a church to develop in, and a workplace togrow in. This year brought some unforgettable adventures and incredible new friends to savor and enjoy this wonderful life we have! Very much looking forward to continual growth and new experiences in 2016!” – Ana Macias, Controller
“I’m thankful to be part of a team and a company that genuinely cares about its environment and the footprint that we leave.” – Zachary Whitlock, Logistics Assistant
“I am thankful for family, good health, and the beautiful life I have been given. I am very grateful to be able to work for a company that truly believes every person deserves access to quality health food products. I am always proud to represent Chosen Foods and appreciate the healthy work environment provided.” – Kylie Maraj, Marketing Manager
“I am thankful for such a flexible work environment that allows me to work with my wife and bring our beautiful baby girl to the office everyday.” – Kris Morse, West Region Sales Manager