We gave you a little introduction on chia seed gel here. It’s been one of our more popular blog posts, so we thought we do a follow up with a good long list of ways to use chia seed gel, once you’ve made it.
15 Ways to Use Chia Seed Gel
1. Make a healthy chia seed energy gel.
2. Simple Mexican style “chia fresca”. Simple mix of chia gel, water and lime juice. Add a touch of raw honey for sweetness.
3. Use 1 tbs of chia seeds to 1/4 cup of water to make the perfect gel consistency for egg replacement in baked goods.
4. Use to naturally thicken soups and sauces.
5. Use as a binder in meatloaf/meatballs instead of eggs or breadcrumbs.
6. Use chia gel instead of oil in salad dressing.
7. Add a few tablespoons to scrambled eggs to make them fluffier.
8. Mix with peanut butter for a spread on toast.
9. Make gel with fruit juice instead of water and use as an ice cream topping.
10. Blend gel with steamed cauliflower and chicken stock for a simple pasta sauce.
11. Use chia gel as a binder for Thanksgiving stuffing/dressing.
12. Use a few tablespoons of chia seed gel as a natural way to combat acid reflux.
13. Chia seed gel can be used to make these chia energy chews. Great for taking on hikes or long distance runs.
14. Flavor chia gel with garlic powder, salt and pepper. Mix with sesame seeds and dehydrate for 8 hours for crispy chia crackers.
15. Enjoy in your favorite adult beverage – making it a little more health friendly (chia margarita!)