A helpful recycle guide for Chosen Foods Products

Chosen Team

Here at Chosen Foods we are proud to champion the cause of sustainability and are dedicated to making a positive impact on the planet. That is why all our Avocado Oil, Mayo, and Salad Dressing products are made with avocados that are beautiful on the inside but typically too a little too bruised or “ugly” to be the fruit sold on grocery store shelves, it’s our way of helping avoid food waste. And, most of our products are made in easy to recycle materials like Glass and PET (polyethylene terephthalate) plastics.  

In our collective journey towards a greener future, small actions can make a big difference. One such impactful step is recycling Glass and PET the right way. Below you’ll find a helpful guide on how to best recycle glass and PET products.   



How to recycle our glass products: 

Glass is one of the oldest and most recyclable materials known to mankind. Unlike plastic, glass can be recycled indefinitely without losing its quality. Join us on a brief journey to discover just how easy it is to recycle glass and make a positive impact on the environment. 

  1. Separate and Clean: The first step in glass recycling is to separate your glass items from other materials. Glass containers like bottles and jars are commonly recyclable. Ensure they are free from any leftover liquids or food residues by giving them a quick rinse. 
  2. Check Local Recycling Guidelines: Understanding local recycling guidelines is essential. Some areas have curbside glass recycling, while others may require you to drop off glass at designated recycling centers. Familiarize yourself with these guidelines to ensure your efforts align with local recycling practices. 
  3. Remove Non-Glass Components: Similar to plastic recycling, it's advisable to remove any non-glass components. Caps and lids made from different materials should be discarded separately. This ensures that each material can be efficiently processed during recycling. 
  4. Utilize Collection Bins: Many communities provide dedicated glass recycling bins. These may be part of curbside collection programs or located at specific drop-off points. Utilize these bins to conveniently deposit your glass items for recycling. 
  5. Upcycling Possibilities: Explore creative ways to upcycle glass items at home. Turn old glass jars into storage containers, vases, or even candle holders. Upcycling not only reduces waste but also adds a touch of uniqueness to your living space. 


Glass recycling is a simple yet impactful way to contribute to a more sustainable future. By following these easy steps and incorporating glass recycling into your routine, you're actively contributing to the preservation of resources and the reduction of waste.  


How to recycle our plastic, PET products: 

Found in a myriad of everyday items like beverage bottles, food containers, and even clothing, PET recycling is an accessible and effective way to contribute to environmental sustainability. Let's explore how you can easily incorporate PET recycling into your routine: 

  1. Know Your Plastics: Begin by identifying PET plastics. These are usually marked with the recycling code "1" and the PET symbol. Familiarize yourself with these indicators, ensuring you can easily distinguish PET from other plastics. 
  2. Separate and Rinse: Before recycling, it's crucial to separate your PET items from other materials. Rinse the containers thoroughly to remove any residual liquids or food particles. This simple step not only aids in the recycling process but also maintains the quality of the recycled material 
  3. Check Local Recycling Guidelines: Different areas may have specific rules for recycling PET. Check with your local recycling facility or municipality to understand their guidelines. Some locations may accept PET plastics in curbside recycling bins, while others might have designated drop-off points. 
  4. Remove Caps and Labels: To streamline the recycling process, it's advisable to remove caps and labels from PET bottles. While caps are often made from a different type of plastic, they can be recycled separately. This ensures that each component can be processed more efficiently. 
  5. Flatten Bottles: Flattening PET bottles not only saves space but also helps in optimizing the recycling process. Consider flattening your bottles before recycling, making it easier for collection and transportation. 
  6. Utilize Collection Programs: Many communities offer dedicated collection programs for PET plastics. Look for nearby recycling events, drop-off centers, or collection drives. Participating in these programs ensures that your PET items are channeled into the proper recycling streams. 
  7. Explore Upcycling Opportunities: Get creative with your PET items by exploring upcycling projects. Turn used bottles into planters, storage containers, or even arts and crafts projects. Upcycling not only reduces waste but also adds a touch of creativity to your recycling efforts. 


Recycling PET doesn't have to be a complex or time-consuming task. By incorporating these simple steps into your routine, you can contribute to the reduction of plastic waste and promote a more sustainable future. Remember, every PET bottle you recycle is a step towards a cleaner and greener planet. Let's embrace the power of recycling and inspire positive change in our communities. 


Our only product line that does not come in an easy to recycle package currently is our Avocado Oil Spray. At this time recycling centers are not equipped to separate the aluminum can from the interior pressurized PET plastic inside the can. This packaging enables us to avoid adding propellants and additives to the product while still delivering an even mist of oil. Please discard used cans in the trash. We will continue to review and consider new spray packaging options in the future that are more recyclable.